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January 2014

God Covenants with Eternal Beings!

Does the eternal God covenant with creatures that shall live only to threescore years and 10 and then shall go out like a candle-snuff? How can He be a God to them? I understand how […]

Death is not a Change of Relation to God

Jesus held that God’s describing himself to Moses as Abraham’s God, Jacob’s God, and Isaac’s God referred not merely to a part relationship which no longer existed. By his very nature God is the God […]

On Church and State

We shall do well to remember, that of all questions which have perplexed Christians, none have ever proved so intricate and puzzling, as the class of questions which the Pharisees and Herodians here propounded. What […]

Do Not Trifle With the Grace of the Son

Such is He who pleads with you! So majestic and so compassionate, so great and yet so good—will you refuse Him? If I plead with you, I am but as you are—flesh of your flesh. […]

Spiritual Blind Spots

We can always see the spiritual blindness of our forefathers, but never our own, by the very perversity that is the irony of human nature. R. Alan Cole “Mark”

True Obedience is Complete Obedience

It is disobedience, and not obedience which prompts us to select from the commands of Christ which ones we care to obey. If you say, “I will do what Christ bids me as far as […]