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True Obedience is Complete Obedience

It is disobedience, and not obedience which prompts us to select from the commands of Christ which ones we care to obey. If you say, “I will do what Christ bids me as far as I choose,” you have, in fact, said, “I will not do what Christ bids me, but I will do what I please to do.” That obedience is not true which is not universal! Imagine a soldier in the army who, instead of obeying every command of his captain, omits this and that, and says that he cannot help it, or that he even means to omit certain things. Beloved, take heed of throwing any precept of your Lord upon the dunghill! Every Word that He has spoken to you is more precious than a diamond! Prize it! Store it up. Wear it. Let it be your ornament and your beauty. “Whatever He says unto you, do it,” whether it relates to the Church of God and its ordinances, or to your walk out of doors among your fellow men, or to your relationship in the family, or to your own private service for the Lord. “Whatever.” See, there are to be no trimmings, here, no cutting off of certain things—“Whatever He says unto you, do it.” Breathe this prayer at the present moment, “Lord, help me to do whatever You have said! May I have no choice! May I never let my own will come in to interfere, but if You have told me do anything, enable me to do it, whatever it may be!”
Charles Spurgeon
“Obeying Christ’s Orders”

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